Healthcare Digital Marketing: 5 Tips for Facilities

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Written by Kayla Tyson Editor, B2C Content, IntelyCare
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Reviewed by Chris Griffin Director, Content Marketing, IntelyCare
A nurse manager working on some online marketing tactics to help increase the visibility of her facility.

Managing a healthcare facility is far from simple, especially when you’re looking for a way to spread your message in a competitive industry. As you learn more about healthcare marketing, you might be looking for ways to build your broader marketing strategy so you can gain exposure and increase revenue for your facility.

If you’re looking for foundational information about digital marketing, we’ve got you covered. We’ll explore the basics of marketing online, explain why digital marketing is important in healthcare, and provide next steps for enhancing your facility’s marketing strategy.

What Is Digital Marketing In Healthcare?

Healthcare digital marketing is the use of web-based marketing strategies to promote a healthcare organization’s products or services. Different strategies for reaching users online might include messaging to promote a new facility or residence, advertising a product or offering, reaching potential patients, developing a trusted online presence, or recruiting healthcare professionals for employment.

Digital marketing also involves a wide range of tactics and is constantly adapting to advances in the digital world. Despite changes, the goal of marketing online remains the same — to reach a broader audience, which can lead to increased patient satisfaction and engagement, greater hiring potential, and increased revenue.

Why Is Healthcare Digital Marketing Important?

The importance of digital marketing lies in its ability to communicate your organization’s services to a greater number of people. This increased brand awareness can help you achieve many positive outcomes, including those listed below.

Marketing Benefit Explanation
Developing Credibility Consistent, informative, and useful content can help you build a greater level of trust with your audience. This can help your organization stand out as an industry leader.
Generating Engagement Digital healthcare marketing can help direct patients and employees to your organization’s website, which can lead to increased online and in-person interactions.
Reaching Target Audiences You can spread the word about your facility or residence to the specific populations you’re trying to reach with targeted marketing techniques.
Gaining a Competitive Edge Patients are increasingly turning to the internet to address medical needs. A strategic digital marketing plan can leverage this exposure and set you apart from industry competitors.
Increasing Revenue Digital marketing in healthcare is a cost-effective way to reach a broader audience, making it more likely that you’ll generate profits while attracting new patients.

Healthcare Digital Marketing Tips

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to the digital marketing process. Your strategy will differ depending on your specific offerings, goals, and patient populations, but it can be helpful to consider the following tips as you create your unique marketing plan.

1. Define Your Target Audience

Research is an important first step in digital marketing. It’s important to gather information about the goals, preferences, and needs of your audience. You can do this by conducting surveys and interviews, while paying close attention to specific pain points.

Then, you can use this data to create audience personas — a description of a specific individual who represents a wider portion of your target audience. For example, an assisted living facility (ALF) might create a persona of an older adult who is feeling the burden of independently caring for their home as they age. The organization could then create marketing materials to show that individual how living in an ALF could simplify their living situation.

2. Clarify Your Brand Identity

As you consider your patients and community, you must determine how your organization is uniquely suited to meet their needs. It’s essential that you have a strong grasp of the distinctive strengths of your facility or residence. Take some time to answer the following questions to get a clearer understanding of your brand identity.

  • Mission: What are your organization’s primary values?
  • Tone: How does your brand voice resonate with your target audience?
  • Visuals: How does your logo and branding set you apart?
  • Differentiation: What makes your facility different from competitors?

3. Set Clear Goals

Before jumping into the specific methods, define the purpose of your marketing campaign. Goals might include increasing patient volume, promoting a new service or facility, building brand awareness, or attracting nursing professionals for employment.

Then, work with your team to craft specific, measurable goals to achieve the larger purpose. Each goal should have associated metrics, a clear timeline, and a realistic budget.

For example, a skilled nursing facility (SNF) might make a goal to increase traffic on their website by 25%, measure the metric of new visitors to the website, and set a three month timeline.

4. Healthcare Digital Marketing: Example Strategies

There are a number of marketing methods you can use to achieve your goals. Here are a few examples:

  • Email marketing: Use an email address database to send informative newsletters on a consistent basis.
  • Social media marketing: Engage with patients, prospective employees, healthcare professionals, and your local community by employing a strong social media strategy.
  • Content marketing: Create valuable and educational content that addresses the questions and needs of your target audience.
  • Website optimization: Use best-practices of healthcare website design, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and calls to action (CTAs), to give your website a boost.
  • Online review management: Encourage patients to leave reviews and manage them effectively to build a strong reputation.
  • Paid advertising: Purchase ads on search engines, social media, or other websites.

5. Measure and Review Results

Part of a productive digital marketing strategy is analyzing performance results. Use web analytics tools to track the effectiveness of your marketing plan and make changes as necessary. You may find that certain methods are more effective for your target audience than others, so make sure to base our marketing decisions on measurable data.

Reminder: Be sure that your marketing strategy adheres to the compliance regulations in the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This requires organizations to receive authorization before using an individual’s health information for marketing purposes. Partnering with a healthcare digital marketing agency can help your organization achieve business goals while staying within the confines of mandated rules and regulations.

Want to Stay Up to Date on the Latest Healthcare Trends?

Healthcare digital marketing is just one component of managing a healthcare facility or residence. As a leader, you’re likely asked to juggle a wide range of tasks. We’re here to support you in that process with free healthcare tips and insights, delivered directly to your inbox.

IntelyCare B2B content editor Steve Tanner contributed to the writing and research for this article.

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