Using a Nursing Recruiter for Your Facility: Pros and Cons

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Written by Kayla Tyson Editor, B2C Content, IntelyCare
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Reviewed by Katherine Zheng, PhD, BSN Content Writer, IntelyCare
Nurse Recruiter interviewing a nursing candidate in an office

Finding qualified staff members to fill roles within a company can be difficult in any industry. Recruiting skilled professionals can become a pressing concern for healthcare organizations in particular, considering the highly specialized roles that must remain filled to ensure patient safety. Many facilities face staffing challenges that have prompted them to seek support in the hiring process.

One such staffing support is a nursing recruiter, who works to connect nursing professionals to facilities such as clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes. These recruiters can be employed by the healthcare organizations themselves or by outside agencies. While the specific qualifications vary depending on the employer, many of these recruiters have prior experience in nursing.

While working with a nursing-specific recruiter can lead to greater ease in the hiring process, it also requires a high level of trust. It’s important that you partner with the best nursing recruiters to ensure that you’re being matched with candidates that will be the right fit for your organization.

Are you wondering whether a recruiter would be helpful for your facility? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of working with one as part of your hiring process.

Recruiter Pros Recruiter Cons
Positions can be filled quickly

Hiring is less time consuming

Easier to find specialized candidates

Miscommunication is possible

Less control of candidate choice

Effectiveness can differ

Nursing Recruiter Pros

Attracting and hiring candidates in such a demanding profession can be time-consuming and resource intensive. Here are three ways that having a designated recruiter can help minimize some of these challenges and facilitate the hiring process.

1. Positions Can Be Filled Quickly

You may find that your facility has an urgent staffing need, whether on a short-term or long-term basis. A recruiter will proactively seek potential candidates to fill those positions. Because experienced recruiters have a firm grasp of trends in the nursing industry and effective recruitment strategies, they’re better able to find candidates more quickly than a facility could on its own. Working with a recruiter can be a great resource for your facility if you find that you have a number of open positions that need to be filled as soon as possible.

2. Hiring Is Less Time Consuming

When working with a recruiter, you’ll find that several steps in the hiring process will be taken care of for you. The recruiter will post job listings, sort through applications, check references, and take care of preliminary interviews before passing along the applicant’s information to you. Additionally, a recruiter can negotiate the terms and compensation package with the candidate of your choice, limiting the time and responsibilities required of your organization before hiring.

3. Easier to Find Specialized Candidates

Your facility may be in need of a candidate in highly specialized skills areas, such as critical care (CCU) or neuro, surgical, trauma (NeST). Nursing-focused recruiters can help meet those specific needs because they have extensive connections within the nursing community and search in a broad geographic area. This enables them to find candidates — including international candidates — who are willing to travel, but who would’ve been less likely to find and apply to a job posted exclusively by your organization. Many organizations find that they would not be able to fill these positions without outside support.

Nursing Recruiter Cons

While a quality recruiter can help speed up the hiring process, there can be some road bumps that can come with losing some control over recruitment. Here are three potential drawbacks of working with a recruiter that facilities should also consider.

1. Miscommunication Is Possible

Miscommunication can arise between recruiters and healthcare organizations, resulting in a less-than-optimal experience for both parties. This can occur when the details of a job requirement aren’t clearly understood, prompting recruiters to suggest candidates who don’t really fit. Also, since a recruiter isn’t typically located at your specific facility, some organizations find that communicating back and forth over digital channels can be frustrating.

An organization’s experience with a recruiter will greatly depend on the communication channels in place between the two parties. If your facility decides to partner with a recruiter, be sure to ask questions about how they plan to facilitate effective communication.

2. Less Control of Candidate Choice

One side effect of working with a recruiter is the inability to comb through each of the applications for the job posting. There is potential that the recruiter, based on their professional judgment, may eliminate a candidate that you would otherwise be interested in. Some residences and facilities prefer to have full control over the hiring process so they can ensure the ability to review each application thoroughly.

If you’re wondering how to find a nursing recruiter, it’s important to choose one you can trust to make preliminary hiring choices. Without this, you may be less confident in the hiring choices you ultimately make.

3. Effectiveness Can Differ

Recruiters can vary greatly depending on their time in the industry, professional values, and organizational systems. While some recruiters will work diligently to conduct a thorough analysis of each candidate before sending a quality list to an organization, others focus on quantity, seeking to find as many candidates as possible. Different healthcare organizations may prefer one style or another, but it’s important to know which you are getting.

Your experience with a recruiter can vary dramatically depending on which you choose, so be sure to perform thorough research on the company you’ll partner with. You’ll want to look for a company with extensive industry experience, clear communication channels in place, and alignment with your organization’s values.

Looking for Other Ways to Quickly Find the Right Candidates?

Working with a nursing recruiter is one way to reach nursing professionals, but you can speed up that process by letting IntelyCare’s nursing job board do the recruiting for you. Find qualified and interested candidates today by posting your position on a job board reaching over one million nursing professionals nationwide.

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