What Is the HESI Exam? FAQ and Guide

If you’re in the process of applying to nursing school, you may have heard of the Health Education Systems Incorporated (HESI) nursing entrance exam. But what is the HESI exam used for? What is on the HESI exam? And how is it related to the NCLEX-RN? Those are some of the many questions we answer below, along with advice on how to prepare for test day.
What Is the HESI Exam for Nursing?
The two most common versions of the HESI exams are the HESI A2 and the HESI E2. The objective of both tests is to gauge the test taker’s likelihood of nursing success, similar to the TEAS test. There are also HESI specialty exams to test students on specific nursing subjects. Learn more about the difference between HESI vs. TEAS exams.
HESI Admission Assessment Exam (A2)
The HESI A2 is the entrance exam for some nursing schools. It helps determine the chances that a prospective nursing student will make it through the program. Not every school uses this tool, but it’s a common part of the nursing school admissions process.
HESI Exit Exam (E2)
The HESI Exit Exam is usually taken towards the end of nursing school. It mirrors the NCLEX-RN, so it reveals the nursing student’s likelihood of success on the NCLEX itself. As with the HESI A2, some nursing schools use this tool, while others don’t.
HESI Specialty Exams
HESI specialty exams test students on specific aspects of nursing, such as dosage calculations, assessments, medical-surgical nursing, and more. Specialty exams and their remediations help students understand which subjects upon which they have a firm grasp, and the subjects to which they must give more attention. Nursing schools may use these specialty exams to help students master specific subjects before taking the NCLEX exam.
HESI Nursing Exam FAQ
How Long Is the HESI Exam?
The allotted time frame for the HESI exam varies based on your unique situation, such as your testing location, the type of test, the number of sections you are completing, or your specific testing accommodations. However, most test takers can expect to receive approximately four hours to complete the exam.
Like the time frame, the number of questions may also vary. This depends on which HESI exam you’re taking, as some institutions choose to offer the exam with all of the available sections, while others select only a portion of the sections. Be sure to check with your testing institution about the specifics of your test, as some tests may have as few as 75 questions while others may have closer to 300 questions.
What Is the HESI Exam Going to Test You On?
Having a general idea of the HESI nursing exam topics that you’ll be asked can help you prepare for studying. HESI topics can include:
- Anatomy and physiology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Critical thinking
- Grammar
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Reading comprehension
- Vocabulary
For HESI specialty exams, the questions are unique to nursing-related topics. Keep in mind that the HESI A2 will focus on general knowledge while the HESI Exit Exam has questions unique to nursing practice.
How Does the HESI Nursing Exam Scoring Work?
HESI exam questions are weighed based on their difficulty level, and the highest possible score is 1500 on both the HESI A2 and HESI Exit Exam. Although the recommended passing score is 900, that threshold is up to the discretion of the institution. Regardless of institutional preferences, 850 is the minimum acceptable score.
How Does HESI Relate to NCLEX?
You’re probably wondering, “What is the HESI exam compared to the NCLEX?” A high HESI score doesn’t promise you’ll pass the NCLEX, but it shows you have a great chance of doing so. Most students who score 900 and above pass the NCLEX.
Both HESI and the NCLEX focus on critical thinking. However, while some of the HESI topics are broad, such as biology and grammar, the NCLEX remains specific to nursing — like safe nursing care and health promotion.
What Is the HESI Exam Registration Process?
To register online, you must have an Elsevier Evolve account. Once you’re registered, you can see your results, register for other HESI exams, and make payments.
The HESI typically costs between $30–$110. The cost depends on your nursing school and the facility where you’re taking the exam, and there are sometimes additional costs if you’ll be taking the exam online. Check with your testing institution about their fees.
How Long Does It Take to Get Exam Results?
Since HESI is a computerized exam, you will view your overall result right away. However, you will receive a more detailed report sometime during the week following the exam.
What Happens If You Fail the HESI Nursing Exam?
The way institutions handle students who failed the HESI exam can vary — it’s up to their discretion. Thankfully, it’s common for students to be allowed a retake. If you fail the retake, check with the institution where you’re taking the exam for further instructions.
3 HESI Nursing Exam Preparation Tips
You can optimize how you study for the NCLEX by fine-tuning the way you studied for HESI. Start strong by considering the below advice when you begin tackling the HESI exam’s content.
1. Take Practice Tests
Practice tests mentally prepare you by revealing what to expect on the actual exam. They also show you the content you know well and the content you need to study more deeply.
If the HESI practice test questions provide explanations for correct answers as you advance through the questions, read them carefully. Even better, use them as a starting point for further research.
Identify patterns in the HESI nursing exam questions you got wrong. If you notice you’re having trouble with a particular topic, this is your cue to spend more time studying it and related subjects.
Disregard time constraints the first few times you take practice tests. That’s when it’s best to simply get accustomed to the exam format. Wait until after the first practice exam to begin timing yourself.
2. Start Studying ASAP
Don’t wait until days before the exam to begin preparing. Give your brain time to soak in the information instead of resorting to procrastination.
Keep in mind that you’ll see many of these subjects again while taking the NCLEX, and you may have to apply them in your practice. Study for the sake of gaining knowledge that may help you in the future instead of solely to pass the test.
3. Consider HESI Prep Courses
Investing in HESI prep courses enables you to meet more study buddies and get exposure to information and study techniques that you may not have considered on your own. On top of that, they help ensure you’re regularly reviewing the material.
Ready for the HESI Nursing Exam?
Now that you know the answer to the question, What is the HESI exam?, you can get started planning your next study session. Want more help? IntelyCare can match you with nurse jobs throughout every stage of your career. Learn more today.