IntelyPro Champion Spotlight Series: Twiggy Duran

Twiggy Duran Spotlight IntelyPro Champion

We’re excited to kick off a new Spotlight Series aimed at shining a light on the IntelyPro Champions that aid our IntelyPros in the recruiting process, to their first shift, and beyond. We’re proud to introduce one of our first IntelyPro Champions, Twiggy Duran, from Florida! 

I feel like it’s my baby to see the department flourish,” says Twiggy Duran, the first US-based IntelyPro recruiter for IntelyCare. Since the start of her journey with IntelyCare, August of 2019, the IntelyPro Lifecycle Success team (IPLS, for short) grew rapidly. When COVID-19 locked down the world, IntelyCare had to transform the way it operated. So in the IntelyCare spirit, Twiggy took the transformation as an opportunity to move back to her home state of Florida. 

She found that working from home suited her, so she’s living in Florida while working remotely. When her work took place in the Quincy, Massachusetts office, she found herself telling all kinds of stories to her desk neighbors. Twiggy notes that strange things can happen in life. So when IntelyPros hit road bumps along the way to taking their first shift, she’s there to listen and help. 

You’ve helped so many nursing professionals get through the hiring process and onto their first shifts as IntelyPros. So what’s your approach? 

 “I want to encourage IntelyPros to talk and get comfortable. One day, an IntelyPro from Pennsylvania called in saying that she couldn’t finish the documentation process because a bear hit her car, rendering her unable to travel to required appointments. Her car was totaled. But once I knew that everyone in the car was ok, I couldn’t help but mention that down here in Florida, we have gators that do the same kind of things! And from there we moved forward with the documentation process, doing as much of it online as we could.”

It’s normal for many first-time IntelyPros to have a learning curve with new technology. Transferring from an in-person process to a tech-driven one is a big step. So Twiggy’s first piece of advice to IntelyPros is to “trust the process. It’s a new age with new technology that benefits you and is much more convenient than how you’ve done it in the past. Just make sure to ask questions and know it’s okay to have a learning curve on your first shifts.” Twiggy mentions that IntelyPros get the same high pay opportunities for each job or shift, whether it’s year one or year ten for the IntelyPro. “It’s one of the many features of using IntelyCare that our IntelyPros certainly like.  

Before working with Intelycare, Twiggy was an operations manager for a language school where international students would learn English through full immersion. “Over 2000 students would come through the program six weeks at a time, and double that in the summer. So we needed to hire and train a lot of people to facilitate that.” Twiggy’s experience hiring and recruiting large amounts of people lends itself to recruiting the best nursing professionals to the family of IntelyPros.   

What’s one thing you’ve learned in your experience as a hiring and recruiting specialist that applies to your work as an IntelyPro Champion? 

 “The one thing I’ve learned is that, regardless of if they’re happy, sad, disgruntled, or whatever they’re feeling, my goal is to get them to where they need to be. In this job you encounter people having good and bad days. So regardless of where they are, I want them to get to the next step. Even if it just means listening to them talk through the problem, that’s what I’m going to do. I’ve found that when I just have a warm conversation, we can find a solution together. It’s all about patience.” 

Twiggy has never felt more rewarded with a job than she has with IntelyCare. “The thing is, I know how hard these nurses work to become IntelyPros. So whenever I see that someone picks up a shift in a new facility or state, I’m just thrilled. Sometimes they even book a double shift and call me back to tell me how much they loved it. Nothing beats that.” If helping someone complete their first shift in a new job doesn’t call for a celebration, then what does? It’s easy to get overwhelmed in the chaos of managing IntelyPros. But Twiggy knows that the milestones she helps IntelyPros reach are worth it.   

A lot has changed at IntelyCare in the last few years. So what keeps you grounded when things seem to be moving fast? 

One thing that hasn’t changed is the camaraderie of our team. It’s grown so much, and we’re all working remotely, but we’re still so close that it feels like a family.” Twiggy gives a special shoutout to her “bestie, Robyn Grover.” On tough days Robyn is always there to get her to where she needs to be. “She saves me all the time. She gives me advice and always Slacks me a ‘good morning, best friend’… Mind you, we only met one time before going remote! And get this: When I was moving back to Florida from Boston, she was moving to Boston from Florida. We always say that fate had it that way because if we were in the same building together, we’d somehow burn it down.” Twiggy and Robyn make a dynamic duo and always have each other’s backs on tough days.


Aside from having Robyn by your side, are there activities or hobbies you have that help you de-stress? 

Because I have a 3-year old I don’t have any more hobbies. But I’m a Floridian, so I spend time at the beach and I used to play Roller Derby. I used to play all-female competitive Roller Derby, whoppin’ butts, full contact, the whole thing.” Before her days at IntelyCare, Twiggy would unwind by competing internationally on a Roller Derby team. The sport was her way to de-stress. “I used to be on the Board of Directors for the Roller Derby team and was able to get a deal with the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. They bought an outdoor rink for us, set up the bleachers, and gave us their entire backyard. We sold around 700 tickets, and it was a particularly crazy game – so much fun.

Twiggy is always prepared for a new challenge, whether it’s assisting IntelyPros through to their first shift or competing on the Roller Derby rink. Twiggy’s genuine spirit and adventurous approach to life are truly special, and we’re lucky to have her on the IntelyCare team!

IntelyPro Champions are available 24/7 to provide our nursing professionals with hands-on support, and is just one of the many benefits for our nursing professionals.

If you’re interested in working in our corporate office as an IntelyPro Champion, explore our available opportunities here.


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